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Some stuff we've done for fun

We both struggle with spending too much time on sOcIaL mEdIa. So we made an App to help. 

Scan this and add it to your home screen to START STOPPING WASTING TIME. NOW.


Flo trolled Rishi Sunak's statutory sick pay policy at the beginning of the pandemic, winning a full scholarship to the SCA in the process.

The OG

Alex and Flo loved New York Times' 'The Truth Is Worth It' campaign so much, that they went to extreme lengths to find the creatives behind it. 

We got the crits we wanted and it kind of worked.
We ended up at Droga5 London. 

Hennaware Title.jpg

Henna is applied to the lighter areas of the skin. The same places where most melanomas develop on people of colour.


The simple solution of combining these processes won us a wood pencil at D&AD New Blood.     

Click here if you want to watch the vid.

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